Monday, May 17, 2010

They say its my birthday...

Skyla letting Axl borrow her blog to let everything know its his first birthday today. He had a very good time. He got to celebrate it twice. Once with Pat and Neila, his breeders, on Sunday and then on the real thing on Monday. He got a cool stuff rooster, Three Dog Bakery cake to share and a Sonic burger for dinner. Axl thinks birthdays are very cool and he got to share it with his best Cardi buddies Skyl and Ozzy. All is good in the world...:)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where are my boys and why are they not playing with ME??

Skyla is taking a little break from showing while she is growing some hair so her and her boys, Axl and Ozzy, decided to enjoy a nice spring day.  Guess the boys did not get the memo that all play was to be centered around Skyla. 
Where are my boys? 

We are hanging out having some boy time.

Much lets play!