Sunday, April 24, 2011

Made it to week 12...:)

Well puppies made it to week 12 and they are starting to seem so grown up in many ways.   They can now walk on leads like little show dogs, they actually have names, and BOY are they just chuck full of personality.  This week found all of us recovering from Nationals so not much exciting going on.  Both Macy (aka dark brindle girl) and Montana (aka big brindle boy) found ears slowly coming up with some help.  Rojo (red boy) just being as cute as ever and Miss Stevie (white ear girl) trying to be the boss of everything and everyone and that not working out to her satisfaction..:)

This coming week- Macy and Montana go to Jacque and Don's.   Stevie and Rojo will start puppy classes and maybe conformation classes for Stevie shortly after. 

This week's pictures were taken just after they finished of the few times they are not running around like crazy..:)
 Rojo-could he be cuter

 Pretty girl Macy...just love that face.

Montana -the sweetest boy of them all, she is queen of everything if you didn't know that...:)

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